Evaluation study of the “seven steps” behavioral intervention for injected drug users
Customer: For grant support: Pact Inc. under the Project USAID RESPOND
Public opinion on interaction between citizenry and local governments
Customer: Association of Ukrainian Cities (Ukraine-Wide Union of Local Governments)
Models and schemes of interaction between the bodies of internal affairs, nongovernmental organizations, medical institutions and social services in access to prevention and treatment programs for IDU: experience, needs and potential of the pilot regions
Customer: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) supported by USAID
Delivery of HIV services for forced migrants (internally displaced persons) from among most-at-risk and vulnerable populations
Customer: ICF «International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine»
Availability of social services to women-survivors of violence
Customer: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Analysis of possibilities and conditions of SMT implementation in prison
Customer: Department on ensuring the activity of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine
Studying the mechanisms of ensuring the availability of HIV/AIDS preventive measures for high-risk groups in view of the expected decrease of international financial assistance to Ukraine
Customer: ICF «International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine»
Medical staff about infection control: the level of knowledge, behavioral practices
Customer: In the frames of project USAID «Strengthening tuberculosis control in Ukraine»