The study aimed to assess the current situation, identify gaps, and follow-up actions that stakeholders can take to improve child maltreatment prevention policies and develop evidence-based programs.

This analysis was performed by Halyna Skipalska, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Foundation for Public Health,and Iryna Demchenko,Independent Consultant, Head of the Socioconsulting think tank, in collaboration with Dr. Seti (WHO Consultant) and Dr. Korol (WHO Office in Ukraine).

The overall management of the project was carried out by the Head of the Violence and Injury Prevention Program andtheWHOOfficeinUkraine;as fundamental documents and evidentialbase we used”European status report on preventing child maltreatment,” “Investing in children: the European child maltreatment prevention action plan 2015–2020,” as well as “INSPIRE:Seven strategies for Ending Violence Against Children.”

Two main research methods were used to prepare the report:

1. Cabinet analysis using the following resources:

  • A questionnaire for the country presented in the European status report on preventing child maltreatment (2018) to monitor the implementation of the plan “Investing in children: the European child maltreatment prevention action plan 2015–2020.” (EUR/RC64/13).
  • The results of the Study of the impact of adverse childhood experiences.
  • A cluster study with multiple indicators conducted by UNICEF.
  • UN Universal Periodic Reviews.
  • Documents concerning reporting obligations in relation to the Council of Europe.
  • Other national documents specified by the WHO Office in Ukraine, coordinator, and other stakeholders.
  • Relevant websites of Ukrainiangovernment offices (the Office of the Ombudsman, Child service, etc.), relevant ministries (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of Justice, etc.), normative actsdirectly related to the topic of the report.

2. Semi-structured interviews with keyinformantsand stakeholders.Atotalof11expert interviews were conducted.