The research component of the project “Promoting the integration of adolescent-oriented services into the primary health care system in the current reform of the health care system in Ukraine”
Customer: ICF "Ukrainian Foundation for Public Health"
Pilot project ” Capacity Development for Quality Assured Gender Sensitive Harm Reduction Interventions in Ukraine” (“Profigender”)
Customer: ICF «Alliance for Public Health»
Monitoring of the Prisoner Awareness and Behavior as a Component of Second Generation HIV Surveillance
Customer: This study became possible thanks to the generous support of American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Evaluation of the multiple stigmas experienced by representatives of high-risk groups of HIV infection
Customer: All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH
Effective influence tools on the commitment of parents to immunize children under the age of 7 (based on analysis of immunization against polio in Ukraine)
Customer: The project is supported under grant program TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, sponsored by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), UNDP, World Bank and WHO