The research was held within the project “Improving HIV treatment adherence of HIV+ and at-risk women through holistic emergency support and care during the Ukraine humanitarian crisis” (hereinafter – the Project). The Project is implemented by the International Charitable Foundation, “Ukrainian Foundation for Public Health” with the support of ActionAid Spain and The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC).

The project was aimed at improving adherence to HIV treatment, mental and reproductive health, and well-being of HIV patients and most at-risk populations during the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. It included the establishment of crisis day centers, social apartments, and mobile outreach teams to work with target groups and provide information and awareness-raising services.

The research aimed to:

1.    Analyze the relevance and feasibility of the project activities, as well as its main results.

2.    Identify key achievements, lessons learned, and challenges in the project implementation.

3.    Develop recommendations for future programming of similar project activities.

The evaluation was conducted using desk research and qualitative sociological methods, namely flexible interviews with project staff and clients.

The results showed that this project is relevant and appropriate, and its main activities meet the needs of female clients from the target groups. An important advantage in the work of day centers and social apartments is the holistic nature of the assistance, support in addressing all or the majority of the client’s current needs, and simultaneous work with women and children. As a result, most of the clients managed to resolve their immediate issues, achieve a steady improvement in their life situation, and learn to cope with life difficulties on their own.

The project’s strengths include the complementarity of resources and services of various UHF projects, standardization and formalization of services within the project, the establishment of fruitful cooperation with local authorities and other service providers in the region (municipal institutions, NGOs), and low-threshold access to services.