The study was conducted as part of the project “Supporting the health of women of reproductive age and pregnant women during the armed conflict in Ukraine,” which was implemented by the Charitable Organization “Charitable foundation for the care of patients named after St. Healer Panteleimon” with the financial support of UNICEF.

The study aimed to assess the accessibility of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services for women, including family planning counseling, diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases, STD and HIV prevention, pregnancy health support, including diagnosis and treatment of anemia, and assistance in overcoming the consequences of sexual violence in the context of a full-scale war in Ukraine. It was the first study in Ukraine to address these topics after the outbreak of war.

This study was based on the KAP survey (Knowledge, Attitude and Practices) methodology. It included blocks of questions about women’s knowledge and beliefs about reproductive health, as well as actual behavioral patterns in this area. Particular attention was paid to identifying obstacles preventing women from receiving the necessary services.

The study was held in Poltava and covered women of reproductive age (18-49 years), including:

  • local residents;
  • internally displaced persons;
  • pregnant women.

The main data collection method was a survey of women of reproductive age living in Poltava, conducted as individual standardized face-to-face interviews. The total sample size is 1000 respondents, including 348 local residents, 347 IDP women, and 305 pregnant women.

The sampling design for each target group was developed separately, considering their specifics. In particular, a probabilistic proportional stratified sample was used for the survey of women of reproductive age among local residents, and a probabilistic time location sampling (TLS) was used for the survey of IDP women and pregnant women.

In addition, 10 in-depth interviews were conducted with experts – gynecologists who provide outpatient care in municipal healthcare facilities in Poltava. The interviewed doctors represent all municipal healthcare facilities offering gynecological services in Poltava.