The survey investigated the level of knowledge and its use on practice regarding tuberculosis; the perception of personal risk of contracting TB; identified barriers hindering optimal behavior in terms of prevention and consulting-a-doctor in case of the first TB symptoms; as well as estimated the level of TB stigmatization among general population and certain vulnerable risk groups. Also other strategic data was gathered, that might be used in planning and organization of a national campaign within TB epidemic prevention.


  • 5000 standardized interviews with general population.
  • 227 semi-structured interviews with the representatives of social groups vulnerable to tuberculosis: injecting drug users, people without a permanent place of residence, the representatives of the Roma population, ex-convicts who while serving their sentence treated TB.
  • Depth interviews with representatives of the Roma community (Total number – 6 interviews).
  • Depth interviews with the media representatives (Total number -16 interviews)