The research was implemented within the project “The E-Governance for Accountability and Participation Program (EGAP)” implemented by the East Europe Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Innovabridge Foundation.
The research aimed to assess the impact of using e-democracy tools through the E-DEM platform on the development of EGAP partner communities. We focused on three electronic services: local petitions, participatory budgeting, and public consultations. The evaluation methodology was developed individually per each service.
The analysis of e-services was conducted based on 5 communities that have proper indicators of the implementation of a particular tool (e.g., a high share of successful petitions, a significant share of funds for participatory budgeting in relation to the community budget, etc.), as well as representing various types of communities in terms of population and different regions. The research used a qualitative data collection method and included interviews with stakeholders and beneficiaries in the selected communities (representatives of local authorities, authors of petitions/drafts of participatory budgets, active users of the public consultation service).
The evaluation identified the advantages and strengths of each e-democracy tool, as well as the barriers that need to be addressed, and developed recommendations for solving the identified challenges.