“Promoting Peacebuilding and Reconciliation in Ukraine” project was implemented by the Danish Refugee Council within the framework of the United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme with the financial support of the European Union. This project was aimed to support the Ministry for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine (MRTOT) to enhance its capacities in peacebuilding and reconciliation.
The evaluation was aimed to measure the project outcomes and to reflect on the effectiveness and relevance of the intervention.
The evaluation goals included the following:
- analysis of relevance, feasibility, effectiveness and sustainability of activities implemented in the framework of the project;
- formulation of key achievements, challenges and recommendations on planning future projects.
Two main data collection methods were used for the evaluation:
- desk research including project documents (i.e. Quarterly Reports) and documents produced under the Project (i.e. Statute of the Ukrainian National Center for Peacebuilding, the Conceptual Framework for Peacebuilding Policy in Ukraine, etc.);
- in-depth interviews with MRTOT employees who participated in project activities as well as with National and International Consultants deployed to the project.
Other researches
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